Satvam Nutrition: Your Path to a Healthier Lifestyle

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In a lifetime, women’s bodies go through various hormonal and physiological changes that make their nutritional requirements evolve constantly. Women face tremendous hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, and menopause. Moreover, between hectic routines, poor lifestyle and constant juggling between work and home, women are succumbing to nutritional deficiencies resulting in chronic fatigue, anemia, nutritional deficiencies, and other health issues.

Consequently, it becomes essential for women to take extra care of themselves to maintain a healthy and fit body. A nutrient-rich diet for women, along with a regular fitness regime is especially crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some effective, well-balanced diet and nutrition tips for women to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Diet and Nutritional Needs for Women

Diet and nutrition play a key role in determining the overall physical and mental well-being of a woman. Here is a comprehensive guide to women’s diet and nutrition for a healthier life.

Vitamin D and Calcium-Rich Diet

Calcium is significant for stronger bones and overall female wellness. It regulates the normal rhythm and functioning of the heart and the nervous system. Vitamin D is essential for healthy absorption of calcium in the body.

Calcium deficiency, in the long run, could lead to weaker bones and osteoporosis. Women, especially, must maintain calcium and vitamin D levels by consuming the following foods.

  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, fortified foods, and yogurt
  • Adequate amount of green leafy vegetables
  • More nuts and seeds like almonds, sesame, and others

Natural sunlight is the greatest source of Vitamin D. In order to maintain an adequate amount of vitamin D in the body, switch to Satvam Nutrition’s natural Vitamin D3 supplement.

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Vitamin B12-Rich Diet

Vitamin B12 is highly essential in maintaining the body’s most crucial functions. It is especially significant for overall women’s health and wellness. B12 aids the formation of red blood cells and maintain the nerve function. It is significantly critical for a comprehensive maintenance of women’s health.

Vitamin B12 is also important for your skin’s overall health as it supplies vital nutrients for collagen production and helps in preserving the natural moisture balance of your skin.

Low B12 levels leads to weakness, fatigue, poor gut and immune system, problems with focus and memory amongst others. In fact, low vitamin B12 levels can cause various skin issues, including hyperpigmentation, nail discoloration, dry skin patches etc.

Below mentioned are the B12-rich foods that must be consumed.

  • Spinach
  • Cereals
  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt

For an average adult, 2.4 mg of B12 is ideal to consume on a daily basis. Pregnant and breastfeeding women must consume 2.6 to 2.8 mg on a daily basis. Dairy, animal meat, and fish are the primary sources of vitamin B12. To choose a natural, vegan, and plant-based way for female wellness, consume Satvam Nutriton’s Natural Vitamin B12 supplement.

Iron-Rich Diet

Iron is an essential mineral that helps in the production of red blood cells in the body which transport oxygen to all the organs and cells. It aids optimal brain function, normal bodily processes, enhanced energy and immunity.

Women need to consume more iron-rich foods as they face higher blood loss during menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Below mentioned are a few iron-rich foods that must be a part of women’s diet.

  • Citrus foods and green leafy vegetables (a rich source of vitamin C)
  • Legumes, spinach, broccoli
  • Chickpeas, soybeans
  • Raisins, apricots

An adult woman must consume 18 mg iron per day and a pregnant woman must consume 27 mg iron per day to maintain adequate iron levels in the body.

Natural Way to Gain Female Health Support with Satvam Nutrition

Female wellness is rather complex and consists of more than just what meets the eye. Women often tend to tend to neglect their own health and well-being while taking care of others. Moreover, with constant hormonal, physiological, and mental exhaustion, women’s health and nutrition becomes especially important.

Satvam Nutrition is a natural and effective solution to women’s daily wellness. It is a plant-based, vegan, chemical-free, and sugar-free everyday supplements brand that offers holistic wellness. Its wide range of supplements cater to multiple health and nutritional needs for extensive health and well-being.

To meet the routine requirements of healthy lifestyle for women, choose Satvam Nutrition’s Female Health Support supplements that are made with all-natural ingredients and science-backed formulation. It supports healthy hormonal balance, boosts stamina and mood, and relieves fatigue. Choose Satvam Nutrition to go the natural way and maintain everyday physical and mental health!

Raho happy aur healthy, naturally!

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